Worship Everyday

Worship. It’s something we do day in and day out. Sometimes our worship is directed towards our Father, other times we loose focus and worship earthly, far less deserving things. Then there’s Sunday…

There’s just something amazing about joining together with other believers and lifting our hearts in one accord to God. Song gives our worship wings and lets it soar high into the heavens. I truly believe corporate times of worship, like our Sunday morning gatherings, give us a glimpse of what heaven will one day be like.

This last month our worship team introduced a new song called Cornerstone. The author Reuben Morgan from Hillsong writes,

There had been a horrific shooting in a nearby city just before I arrived. The details were still hazy – frightening talk of a gunman executing innocents at random – but what was beyond all doubt was the fact that it had shaken people up. It had left them at the intersection of fear, doubt and sorrow. Just walking down the street was enough to know that people had been shaken to their very foundations.

When you write songs that people sing as part of their worship to God, there is a bit of your soul that shares the aches of those around you. When there is tragedy, the song of lament wakes up with you, and when there is joy, the sound of praise fills your ears. To some it might seem odd to reach for a guitar when tears are falling on scuffed up shoes, but I really don’t know any other way of being.

And so, as the city closed in, I met with some friends. We shared in the sense of shock, felt some of the pain and fear and listened as melody and words began to rise.

When darkness seems to hide His face
In every high and stormy gale
Through the storm
My anchor holds…”

This is how our life should be. In times of sorrow, difficulty and fear we should reach out to others and to God for comfort. It’s frightening at times to look into the future – wars, chaos and rebellion seem right at hand – but hold close to the words of this song. “Christ alone, Cornerstone, Weak made strong in the Savior’s love, Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all…”

If you are interested in being apart of the POCF worship team, please contact me at tricia@pinoaks.org.