Q & A: Sunday August 8th

We all have questions. Most of the time we are scared to ask them. Whether it is in a class room, church, living room, or the workplace our questions need answers. Often there is usually a simple answer to the questions we have…but when they go unasked we never know. So, we are inviting you to ask your questions this August 8th. At both services we will take the questions you submit and offer Biblical answers to your questions. So, here is how you get your questions submitted:

  1. Leave a comment below with your question.
  2. Send an email to Pastor Phil with your question: phil@pinoaks.org
  3. Post your question on our Facebook Group.
  4. Write it down and put it in the offering box on Sunday.
  5. Send us a Tweet from your Twitter Account. Make sure you follow @POCF or @philmorgan.

There you have it. It is that easy. Then make sure and show up August 8th to see if your question is answered.

2 Comment(s)
  • phil Posted July 29, 2010 3:36 pm

    Please write out some of your questions here. If they are more detailed in nature or you feel the need for greater levels of privacy then send us an email. Can’t wait to hear what you have questions about!

  • charlie james Posted August 8, 2010 8:51 am

    If a person never hears about Jesus and gives their life to Christ, will they go to Hell?

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